February 7-8, 2018, RIKEN AICS, Kobe, Japan
Call for Participation
The AICS International Symposium is the annual meeting hosted by RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS), the home of the K computer, for discussing leading-edge research and development activities in high performance computing.
The 8th AICS International Symposium will be held to enhance discussions on computer and computational science on and beyond the K computer era. Specifically, researchers are being invited from around the world to discuss the roadmap of science and engineering topics that will cover next 10-year perspectives on computer and computational science as well as the AICS research activities. The topics, such as data science, software management, extreme scale hardware, and future application codes, are solicited.
The book of abstracts is available.
Organized by RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science
Supported by
- Priority issues (9 issues) on Post-K computer
- High Performance Computing Infrastructure Consortium
- Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST)
Registration Desk of 8th AICS International Symposium
AICS Youth Workshop
A Youth Workshop will be held on February 5-6, before the AICS International Symposium, for young researchers and students in computational science and technology. [Details].