Academic JournalTeam members are underlined.

  • Yoshiharu Ohi, Yoshihisa Fujita, Taku Itoh, Hiroaki Nakamura, Soichiro Ikuno, Faster Generation of Shape Functions in Meshless Time Domain Method, Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol. 9 3401144, 2014/09/03.

  • Takemasa Miyoshi, Keiichi Kondo, and Toshiyuki Imamura, “The 10,240-member ensemble Kalman filtering with an intermediate AGCM”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 41, July 28 2014.

  • Teruo Tanaka, Ryo Otsuka, Akihiro Fujii, Takahiro Katagiri, and Toshiyuki Imamura, “Implementation of d-Spline-based incremental performance parameter estimation method with ppOpen-AT”, Scientific Programming, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 299-307, 2014.

  • Yasuhiro Idomura, Motoki Nakata, Susumu Yamada, Masahiko Machida, Toshiyuki Imamura, Tomohiko Watanabe, Masanori Nunami, Hikaru Inoue, Shigenobu Tsutsumi, Ikuo Miyoshi, and Naoyuki Shida, “Communication-overlap techniques for improved strong scaling of gyrokinetic Eulerian code beyond 100k cores on the K-computer”, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 73-86, 2014.

  • T. Imamura, S. Yamada and M. Machida, “Eigen-G: GPU-based eigenvalue solver for real-symmetric dense matrices”, 10th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM2013), Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS) 8384, pp. 673–682, 2014.

International ConferenceTeam members are underlined and speakers of oral presentations are bold faced.

  • Yusuke Hirota and Toshiyuki Imamura,
    Development of High Performance Parallel Real Random Number Generator KMATH_RANDOM,
    The 5th AICS International Symposium, RIKEN AICS, Kobe, Japan, December 8–9, 2014 (poster).

  • Takeshi Fukaya, and Toshiyuki Imamura, “Performance evaluation of the EigenExa dense eigensolver on the K computer”, the 5th AICS International Symposium, Kobe, Japan, December 8-9, 2014.

  • Takeshi Fukaya, “Modeling the performance of parallel dense eigensolvers on peta/post-petascale systems”, JST/CREST International Symposium on Post Petascale System Software (ISP2S2), Kobe, Japan, December 2, 2014.

  • Takeshi Fukaya, Yuji Nakatsukasa, Yuka Yanagisawa, and Yusaku Yamamoto, “CholeskyQR2: A Simple and Communication-Avoiding Algorithm for Computing a Tall-Skinny QR Factorization on a Large-Scale Parallel System”, Proc. the 5th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems (ScalA), pp.31-38, New Orleans, USA, November 17, 2014.

  • Yoshiharu Ohi, Soichiro Ikuno, Numerical Investigation of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Phenomena using 3D Meshless Time Domain Method, The 24th International Toki Conference (ITC-24), Ceratopia Toki, Toki, Gifu, 2014/11/06.

  • Yoshiharu Ohi, Soichiro Ikuno, Influence of Weight Function to Numerical Precision in 3D Meshless Time Domain Method, The 33rd JSST Annual Conference: International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST2014), Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka, 2014/10/29.

  • Yusuke Hirota and Toshiyuki Imamura,
    Acceleration of Divide and Conquer Method for Generalized Eigenvalue Problems of Banded Matrices on Manycore Architectures,
    Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications 2014, University of Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2–4, 2014.

  • Takeshi Fukaya, Toshiyuki Imamura, and Yusaku Yamamoto, “Performance Analysis of the Householder-type Parallel Tall-Skinny QR Factorizations toward Automatic Algorithm Selection”, Proc. the Ninth International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT2014), pp.1-8, Eugene, USA, July 1, 2014.

  • Toshiyuki Imamura, “The EigenExa Library – High Performance & Scalable Direct Eigensolver for Large-Scale Computational Science”, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC14), HPC in Asia session, June 26, 2014.(招待講演)

  • Chongke Bi, Kenji Ono, Kwan-Liu Ma, Haiyuan Wu, and Toshiyuki Imamura, “A Study of Parallel Data Compression Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition on the K Computer”, Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV2014), Swansea, UK, June 9-10, 2014.

  • Yoshiharu Ohi, Taku Itoh, Soichiro Ikuno, Numerical Investigations of 3D Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Phenomena Using Meshless Time Domain Method, The 16th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC2014), Annecy, France, 2014/05/27.

  • T. Imamura, “Automatic-tuning for CUDA-BLAS kernels by Multi-stage d-Spline Pruning Strategy”, 2014 Conference on Advanced Topics and Auto Tuning in High Performance Scientific Computing (2014 ATAT in HPSC), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 14–15, 2014.

  • T. Fukaya, “A Communication-Avoiding Algorithm for the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization”, 2014 Conference on Advanced Topics and Auto Tuning in High Performance Scientific Computing (2014 ATAT in HPSC), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 14–15, 2014.

  • Yusuke Hirota and Toshiyuki Imamura,
    Divide and Conquer Method for Computing Generalized Eigenvalues of Banded Matrices,
    International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA) 2014, International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, March 7–9, 2014 (poster).

  • T. Sakurai, S. L. Zhang, T. Imamura, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Kuramashi and T. Hoshi, “CREST project \”Development of an Eigen-Supercomputing Engine using a Post-Petascale Hierarchical Model\””, International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA 2014), Epochal Tsukuba, Mar. 7–9, 2014.

  • T. Imamura and Y. Yamamoto, “CREST: Dense Eigen-Engine Groups”, International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA 2014), Epochal Tsukuba, Mar. 7–9, 2014.

  • T. Fukaya, Y. Yamamoto and T. Imamura, “An overview of parallel algorithms for tall-skinny QR factorizations”, International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA 2014), Epochal Tsukuba, Mar. 7–9, 2014.

  • Y. Yanagisawa, Y. Nakatsukasa and T. Fukaya, “Cholesky-QR and Householder-QR factorizations in nonstandard inner product spaces”, International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA 2014), Epochal Tsukuba, Mar. 7–9, 2014.

  • T. Fukaya and Y. Yamamoto, “Auto-tuning Tall and Skinny QR Factorization”, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP14), Portland, USA, Feb. 20, 2014.

Domestic ConferenceTeam members are underlined.

  • Takeshi Fukaya, “The Cholesky QR factorization in high-performance computing”, the 12th Computational Mathematics Conference, Dec. 28, 2014 (in Japanese). (招待講演)

  • 椋木大地, 今村俊幸: MaxwellアーキテクチャGPUにおける疑似倍精度演算を用いたDGEMMの実装と評価, 情報処理学会研究報告: ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング, Vol. 2014-HPC-147, No. 26, 2014年12月 (in Japanese).

  • Toshiyuki Imamura, “Review on large-scale dense eigenvalue computation”, 18th Symposium on Setouchi-rim JSIAM Local Research Group, Kurashiki, Japan, December 6, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • 大井 祥栄, 生野 壮一郎, 任意節点配置を用いたMTDMにおける安定性解析, 第23回MAGDAカンファレンス (MAGDA2014), サンポートホール高松, 香川県高松市, 2014/12/04. (in Japanese)

  • 大井 祥栄, 生野 壮一郎, Meshless Time Domain Methodを用いた電磁場解析における節点配置の計算精度および数値安定性への影響解析, 日本応用数理学会2014年度年会, 政策研究大学院大学, 東京都港区, 2014/10/29. (in Japanese)

  • 今村俊幸, 椋木大地, 山田進, 町田昌彦: CUDA-xSYMVの実装と評価, 情報処理学会研究報告: ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング, Vol. 2014-HPC-146, No. 14, 2014年10月 (in Japanese).

  • 廣田悠輔
    神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科計算科学専攻協定講座 第8回協定講座シンポジウム,神戸大学,神戸市,2014年9月11日 (Poster, in Japanese).

  • Takeshi Fukaya, “QR factorizations based on the Cholesky factorization”, the 8th Kobe University Cooperative Division Symposium, Kobe Japan, September 11, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • Takuma Kawamura, Yasuhiro Idomura, Hiroko Miyamura, Hiroshi Takemiya, and Toshiyuki Imamura, “Remote visualization of large-scale simulation results on K-computer using particle-based volume rendering”, Annual meeting on Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan, September 8, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • Yuka Yanagisawa, Yuji Nakatsukasa, Takeshi Fukaya, Yusaku Yamamoto, Shinichi Oishi and Kannan Ramaseshan: Shifted Cholesky QR factorization, 2014 JSIAM Annual meeting, Tokyo Japan, September 4, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • Takeshi Fukaya, Yuji Nakatsukasa, Yuka Yanagisawa and Yusaku Yamamoto: Performance evaluation of the Cholesky QR factorization with reorthogonalization on large-scale parallel systems, 2014 JSIAM Annual meeting, Tokyo, Japan, September 3, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • Takeshi Fukaya, Yusaku Yamamoto and Toshiyuki Imamura: An study on blocking techniques of Householder transformations and related communication-avoiding, Summer united Workshop on Parallel, distributed and cooperative Processing (SWoPP2014), Niigata, Japan, July 28, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • 椋木大地, 今村俊幸, 高橋大介: KeplerアーキテクチャGPUにおける高速なSGEMVの実装, GTC Japan 2014, 2014年7月 (in Japanese).

  • Takahiro Katagir, Koichi Takayama, Takashi Yonemura, Hiroki Kumahora, Mitsuyoshi Igai, Junichi Kitagami, Yoshiyuki Eguchi, Takeshi Fukaya, Yusaku Yamamoto, Junichi Iwata, Kazuyuki Uchida, Satoshi Oshima, and Kengo Nakajima: Application of the communication-avoiding algorithm CAQR to the orthogonalization process in RSDFT and its evaluation, IPSJ SIG Tech. Rep. [High Performance Computing], Vol.2014-HPC-144, No.3, pp.1-6, May 19, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • Takeshi Fukaya: Communication-avoiding QR factorizations and related auto-tuning, ATOS9, Tokyo, Japan, May 5, 2014 (in Japanese).

  • 廣田悠輔今村俊幸
    日本応用数理学会「行列・固有値の解法とその応用」研究部会 2014年 連合発表会,京都大学,2014年3月20日 (in Japanese).

  • 田村遼也,今村俊幸、仲谷栄伸: GPUへの完全オフロード化によるTSQRの高速化に関する研究, 情報処理学会研究報告,「ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング(HPC)」,Vol. 2014-HPC-143,No. 21,pp. 1–7,2014年2月24日, 第143回情報処理学会ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング研究会 (HPC143),和倉温泉「あえの風」,2014年3月3日–4日 (in Japanese).

  • 岡田和人,岡本吉央,今村俊幸: マルチGPU環境におけるCRS形式疎行列・ベクトル積の入力行列の最適化による高速化, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム論文集 2014,p. 28,2013年12月31日, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム(HPCS2014),一橋大学一橋講堂,2014年1月7日–8日(ポスター発表)(in Japanese).

  • 白澤孝仁,今村俊幸,岡本吉央: 村田法のスレッド並列化によるマルチコアCPU上での実対称帯行列帯幅縮小操作の高速化, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム論文集 2014,p. 29,2013年12月31日, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム(HPCS2014),一橋大学一橋講堂,2014年1月7日–8日(ポスター発表)(in Japanese).

  • 林熙龍,今村俊幸,岡本吉央: d-Spline関数を用いたGEMVカーネルの性能チューニング, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム論文集 2014,p. 30,2013年12月31日, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム(HPCS2014),一橋大学一橋講堂,2014年1月7日–8日(ポスター発表)(in Japanese).

  • 黒田明義,大井憲行,井上晃,村井均,山崎隆浩,大野隆央,今村俊幸,南一生: 高次元メッシュ/トーラスネットワークにおける実アプリケーションの通信最適化手法―「京」上のTofuネットワークを例に―, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム論文集 2014,pp. 97–105. 30,2013年12月31日, ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウム(HPCS2014),一橋大学一橋講堂,2014年1月7日–8日 (in Japanese).

  • Takeshi Fukaya and Toshiyuki Imamura: A study on auto-tuning for the structured QR factorization appearing in the TSQR algorithm, the 19th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, Proc. JSCES, Vol.19, 2014 (in Japanese).