RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Events/Documents イベント・広報

Report - 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (July 14—18, 2015)

Lattice 2015

The 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2015) was held at the Kobe international Conference Center, Japan, July 14 to 18, 2015. Of the 376 participants representing 26 countries and regions, including Japan, around 70 percent were from overseas. The event included nearly 350 lectures and presentations.

An international forum with more than three decades of history

The International Symposium on Lattice field theory is the most important such event in the field and has been held without fail every year since 1983 in Europe, the United States, Asia, and Oceania. Japan is a leader in the field with the QCDPAX, CP-PACS, and PACS-CS processor arrays developed at Tsukuba University, and with advanced research utilizing these computers. Lattice 2015 is the third international symposium on lattice field theory to be held in Japan after a 12-year interval, and the first to be held at a location other than Tsukuba.

Lattice 2015

Undaunted by bad weather brought about by typhoon 11 (Nangka), the participants were able to enjoy presentations, vigorous discussions, and information exchange right through to the last day of the symposium. The symposium content will be published later in the Proceedings of Science

For details, see the the symposium website.
About AICS research team, please see the introduction of the Field Theory Research Team.