RIKEN AICS will exhibit at SC13 which will be held in Denver, Colorado in US.
Please stop by RIKEN AICS's booth(#1437) to look at our latest simulations and join us for the short lectures.
SC13 Official Website.
Our short lectures will start from Nov 19.
Check our program and click for abstracts.
Tuesday, November 19th1:30PM-5:00PM | ||
1:30PM – | Dr.Takahisa OHNO (National Institute for Materials Science, Field 4) Process Simulation of Carbon Based Nanostructures in Next-generation Semiconductor Integrated Elements |
2:00PM – | Dr.Yoshifumi NAKAMURA (AICS Field Theory Research Team) Towards High Performance Lattice QCD Simulations on Exascale Computers |
2:30PM – | Dr.Ryo IGARASHI (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Field 2) MateriApps: A Portal for Materials Science Simulation |
3:00PM – | Dr.Taro ARIKAWA (Port and Airport Research Institute, Field 3) Development of High Refining Tsunami Inundation Simulator |
3:30PM – | Break | |
4:00PM – | Dr.Gentaro MORIMOTO (GRAPE Project, AICS Processor Research Team) MDGRAPE-4: A Special-purpose Computer for MD Simulations |
4:30PM – | Mr.Kazuo MINAMI (AICS Software Development Team) Performance Improvement of Applications on the K computer |
Wednesday, November 20th1:30PM-5:00PM | ||
1:30PM – | Dr.Swann PERARNAU (AICS Programming Environment Research Team) Topology-aware Optimizations for Distributed Load Balancing on the K computer: an Introduction |
2:00PM – | Mr.Itaru KITAYAMA (AICS HPC Usability Research Team) Porting of an MPI-powered Genome Sequenced Data Assembler to the K computer and Feasibility Study on the Performance |
2:30PM – | Dr.Truong Vinh Truong Duy (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Field 2) Massive Parallelization of a Linear Scaling DFT Code OpenMX |
3:00PM – | Dr.Shixun Zhang (AICS Computational Materials Science Research Team) Parallelization of Kernel Polynomial Method for Magnetic Skyrmion Simulations |
3:30PM – | Dr.Atsuya UNO (AICS System Operations and Development Team) Operation Status of the K computer |
4:00PM – | Dr.Makoto TSUKAKOSHI (The Earth Simulator Center, JAMSTEC, Field 3) Advanced Prediction Researches for Natural Disaster Prevention and Reduction |
4:30PM – | Dr. Toshiyuki IMAMURA (AICS Large-scale Parallel Numerical Computing Technology Research Team) Big Impact of an Ultra-scale Eigenvalue Computation on the K computer |
Thursday, November 21st10:30AM-12:00PM | |
10:30AM – | Mr.Shinichi MINEO (RIST) High Performance Computing Infrastructure (HPCI) System in Japan and Call for Proposals of the Projects Using the HPCI |
11:00AM - | Ms.Erika JINNAI (RIKEN SCLS, Field 1) Collaboration of Education and Outreach Activities |
11:30AM – | Dr. Shinichiro TAKIZAWA (AICS HPC Programming Framework Research Team) Supporting Workflow Management of Scientific Applications by MapReduce Programming Model |