RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Events/Documents イベント・広報

The K computer Day was held at MQM 2013 on June 6th - Switzerland

About 70 people participated in the K computer Day on June 6th in 2013 which was held as a part of MQM(7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2013) in Switzerland.

At first, Dr. Hirao, director of RIKEN AICS, delivered a talk about the K computer and its initial outcomes. Secondly Dr. Shoji from RIKEN AICS provided the introduction to the K computer, including hardware and software aspects as well as how to use it. For the 3rd session, Mr. Aoki from Fujitsu provided a talk about how to get the best performance from massively parallel computer.

We had exhibitions of the system board and CPU of the K computer which was brought from Japan for the event. The most asked question was about how people in overseas can apply for the K computer use.

"The K computer will Open New Frontiers in Science and Engineering" - Dr. Hirao(Director of RIKEN AICS)
"Introduction to the K computer" - Dr. Shoji(RIKEN)
"How to get the best performance from massively parallel computer" - Mr. Aoki(Fujitsu)

The system board and CPU

The K computer Day Overview

Conference Name The K computer Day
Dates June 6, 2013
Place Lugano Conference Center (Lugano, Switzerland)
Invitation Flyer (JPG, 795KB)

MQM 2013 Overview

Conference Name 7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2013
Dates June 2-7, 2013
Place Lugano Conference Center (Lugano, Switzerland)
Website http://www.mqm2013.ethz.ch/

For more information, please visit the conference website.