RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Events/Documents イベント・広報


AICS Cafe is a place where the researchers in AICS can frankly discuss about their researches beyond their own disciplinary wall in order to collaborate with each other. We plan to have it twice a month regularly. We welcome all people including the promotion office and administration division of K computer in AICS.

  • Purpose : In order to promote the research collaboration beyond each of existing research disciplines, this seminar provides the discussion field for exchanging information, understanding neighboring researchers, and collaboration between each other.
  • Place: Lecture Hall (6th floor) at AICS
  • Language : presentation in Japanese or English, the slide in English
  • Etc.: Please give your presentations clearly to researchers in other fields. Please do not hesitate to ask a question to the speakers.

The 66th AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Feb. 6, 2015, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: Speeding up unstructured finite-element solver for urban earthquake simulation
Speaker: Kohei Fujita (Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Unit)

The 65th AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Jan. 23, 2015, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: HPCG performance improvement on the K computer
Speaker: Kiyoshi Kumahata (Software Development Team)

The 64th AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Dec. 19, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: Automated Optimization of Stencil Computations
Speaker: Takayuki Muranushi (Exascale Supercomputer Project)

The 63rd AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Nov. 28, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: Supercomputing performance and productivity walk through
Speaker: Kazunori Mikami (Exascale Supercomputer Project)

The 62nd AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Nov. 7, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: An Introduction to Automatic Model Construction for Urban Earthquake Simulation 
Speaker: Hideyuki O-tani (Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Unit)

The 61st AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Oct. 17, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: Reading the source code of Fujitsu’s extensions of the Linux kernel
Speaker: Toshiyuki Maeda (HPC Usability Research Team)

The 60th AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Sep. 19, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: Making sense of Big Data for local severe storms: real-time processing of three-dimensional 30-second-update radar data -AICS HPC Internship program-
Speaker: Shigenori Otsuka (Data Assimilation Research Team)

The 59th AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Aug. 29, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: "Modeling of the complex network based on the game theory" 
Speaker: Tetsuo Imai (Discrete Event Simulation Research Team)

The 58th AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Aug. 1, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: "Conformational change of Ca^2+ pump in response to reaction described by hierarchical domain motion analysis " 
Speaker: Chigusa Kobayashi (Computational Biophysics Research Team)

The 57th AICS Cafe
Date and Time: Fri. Jul. 18, 2014, 15:00-16:00
Place: Workshop room (6th floor) at AICS

Title: "A challenge to forecast the acidity of molecules – from a chemical compound to proteins –" 
Speaker: Toru Matsui (Computational Molecular Science Research Team)