RIKEN AICS exhibits at SC12 which is currently held in Salt Lake City in US.
Please stop by RIKEN AICS's booth(#2247) to join us for the following short lectures(with original goods), and visit one of Invited Talks by Dr. Yokokawa for the results which were obtained during the early access to the K computer.
More details are in SC12 Official Website.
Photo: Short Lectures at AICS booth @ SC12
Visit our flash report and photos for 2012 HPC Challenge Awards.
Visit our flash report and photo for 2012 ACM Gordon Bell Prize Award.
The K Computer - Toward Its Productive Application to Our Life
Mitsuo Yokokawa
Date: November 14, 2012
Time: 9:15-10:00am(local time)
Room: Ballroom-EFGH