In order to make reliable estimations of urban disasters, such as seismic damage of structures and tsunami inundation, we need the detailed urban models for the target city. The models may include the information about all individual buildings and the underground data.
However, the quantity and quality of available single raw sources for them are limited and fragmented. Thus we need to make the detailed information pre-processing and integrating the heterogeneous raw sources, including administrative data, 3D building shapes, and a set of borehole data. The key issue is how to automate the model construction avoiding manual work.
This talk introduces some challenges in urban simulation modeling, and proposes a framework of data integration processing. The framework can automate some intermediate data conversions required in the processing.
第78回 (AICS Cafe Progress Report)
日時: 2015年9月25日 (金)、 15:00 – 16:00
場所: AICS 6階講堂
講演題目: A framework of data integration processing for urban disaster simulations
講演者: 大谷 英之 (総合防災・減災研究ユニット)