理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構



日時: 2016年6月8日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演題目: Your Web Browser Can Analyze Multivariate Data with Fiber Surface on HIVE
・講演者: 櫻井 大督(可視化技術研究チーム)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る

Scientific data nowadays can contain various physical quantities, attracting researchers and engineers. Although multivariate high resolution simulation has become popular thanks to HPC architectures, even experts struggle to analyze and visualize the complex correlations between different quantities in their data. Our new data analysis web app, fiber surface GUI, eases such analysis for multivariate 3D data. You merely need to specify the region of interest in the familiar scatterplot in your web browser, and the server running in an interactive HPC environment extracts the distribution in the 3D space as 2D surfaces, as known as fiber surface, just as one would extract isosurfaces from 3D scalar data. Hence, importantly, an affordable computer with a weak performance can visualize and even analyze the output - fiber surface is smaller than the original 3D data for an order of magnitude when we compare the data size. In the talk, I introduce fiber surface, its GUI, and HIVE. HIVE is our visualization framework that systematizes your visualization workflow combining supercomputers and visualization-oriented clusters. I demonstrate how you can access the fiber surface GUI and HIVE for your research tasks. I will highly welcome assistance requests for your visualization tasks, as well as offers for new directions.