理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構



日時: 2016年6月15日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演題目: Introduction to tensor network methods
・講演者: 上田 宏(量子系物質科学研究チーム)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る

In recent years, a variational methods called tensor network methods have been widely applied to obtaining partition functions of classical statistical models or low-energy states of quantum many-body systems. One of the best example is the success of the density matrix renormalization group for many-body systems. In this presentation, I would like to introduce some features of typical tensor network methods and discuss potential bottleneck points in large-scale parallel computations of the tensor network methods.