The K computer facilities have many features not found at other supercomputer sites. These include an expansive and pillar-free computer-room, power supply system that consists of a co-generation system (CGS) and a high-speed current-limiting circuit breaker without uninterruptible power supply (UPS), distribution boards installed not on computer-room walls but under a raised floor, extremely quiet and high-efficiency air conditioners, and water-cooling system for CPUs featuring precise temperature control. To ensure stable working of K computer and its peripherals, the facility operations and development team (FODT) of the operations and computer technologies division, RIKEN AICS is responsible for operation and enhancement of the facilities. Furthermore, FODT conducts research on the advanced management and operations of AICS’ facilities. One of the most serious problems is rapid and substantial increase in electricity prices since 2011. Therefore, we investigate the most suitable driving conditions for AICS facilities to achieve effective cost reduction. Another problem is increased power consumption by AICS. The use of electricity by AICS is strictly limited by a contract between AICS and the local electric supply company. However, recently, the facility’s power consumption exceeded the contract limit. This matter is important because the company requires us to accept a raise in the upper/lower power limit, which amounts to an increase in electricity cost. To prevent this problem, we have investigated a method to control K computer’s power consumption by using emergency job stopping together with the system operations and development team and the software development team of operations and computer technologies division, RIKEN AICS.

日時: 2015年10月7日 (水)、 15:00 – 16:00
場所: AICS 6階講堂
講演題目:An Introduction to Control of K computer's power consumption
講演者: 塚本 俊之 (運用技術部門 副部門長、施設運転技術チーム チームヘッド)