理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構



日時: 2015年12月17日 (木)、 15:00 – 16:00
場所: AICS 6階講堂


講演題目: Eclipse PTP, Docker and software development for the K computer
講演者: Peter Bryzgalov (利用高度化研究チーム)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る

How can I understand a program structure? How can I detect performance issues with my MPI application? Is it possible to make program refactoring easy? How do I setup development environment? How can I use existing git repository?
These are some of the topics I plan to address in my talk. I shall demonstrate how Eclipse PTP IDE can be used to speed up many aspects of parallel program development cycle. I shall show how Docker can be used for an easy setup of development environment for parallel applications that can be built and run on the K computer.
Presentation will be available at: http://www.slideshare.net/PeterBryzgalov/aics-cafe2