理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構

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AICS Cafe(アイクス・カフェ)は、異分野融合のための足掛かりとして、計算科学研究機構(AICS)に集う研究者が井戸端会議的にざっくばらんに議論する場として、毎月2回程度予定しております。興味をお持ちの方は原則どなたでも参加可能です。

※AICS関係者以外の方は、事前に aics-cafe[at]riken.jp にお問い合わせください。

  • 目 的: 異分野間の壁を超えた研究協力を促進し、新しい学問分野の開拓を目指すため、 研究者間の情報交換・相互理解の場を提供し、研究協力のきっかけを作る。
  • 会 場:AICS 6階講堂(予定)
  • 言 語:講演は日本語/英語、スライドは英語
  • その他:講演者は他分野の方にも理解できる発表を心掛け、参加者は積極的に質問しましょう。

日時: 2017年12月6日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演者:松葉浩也 チームリーダー (利用高度化研究チーム)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る

「クラウド」「ビッグデータ」などのバズワードは侮れない存在である。現れては消える様々なバズワードに対し研究者は、定義が曖昧、学術的な新規性がない、経済的な意図が透けて見えるなどの理由で否定的な反応を示すことがある。このような批判的な見方は研究者の見識でもあるが、流行に人が集まり、それが実質的な価値を生む可能性までも否定してしまうと、技術の潮流を見誤ることになりかねない。 新生利用高度化研究チームのCafé初登場である今回は、流行の技術とスパコンの関りを通して「利用高度化」の具体的な姿を考えてみたい。実は今、スーパーコンピュータはかつてないほど流行のキーワードに接近している。AIが計算力と密接な関係にあることは言うまでもない。IoTでもスパコンが活躍できる可能性がある。これら新しい分野でスーパーコンピュータが活躍する姿を示すことができれば、自然とスーパーコンピュータに興味を持つ人も増加するはずである。今回のCaféでは、どのようにしてそのような状況を作り出すか、現時点でのチームの考え方を紹介する。

日時: 2017年11月15日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演題目:The SCALE-LETKF regional weather data assimilation system: achievements and prospects
・講演者:Guo-Yuan Lien (データ同化研究チーム)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る

We have been developing the SCALE-LETKF system, utilizing a regional weather model known as the Scalable Computing for Advanced Library and Environment-Regional Model (SCALE-RM) and an ensemble data assimilation method known as the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF). The primary goal of the system is to make use of observational data obtained from an advanced weather radar, the Phased Array Weather Radar (PAWR), in numerical weather prediction (NWP). This new type of weather radar can observe heavy precipitation systems densely both in space and in time, providing an important data source for advanced weather monitoring; however, its effective use in high-resolution NWP is a frontier research topic. We investigate this rapid-update, high-resolution data assimilation problem using the SCALE-LETKF. We have also been applying the SCALE-LETKF system for an experimental near-real-time NWP system in Japan and surrounding area. We run 5-day weather forecast for this area every 6 hours in near real time using the K computer. This has been running stably and has provided important guidance on the performance of the model and the data assimilation settings. In addition, this talk will also discuss about the computational aspect of the SCALE-LETKF development and some ongoing issues and prospects of the system.

日時: 2017年11月9日(木)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演者:田中 宗(早稲田大学 高等研究所 准教授・JSTさきがけ研究者(兼任))

講演要旨: 詳細を見る


日時: 2017年11月8日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演者:吉田 龍二(複合系気候科学研究チーム)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る


日時: 2017年11月1日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演者:沼田 龍介(兵庫県立大学 大学院シミュレーション学研究科)
※発表は英語 or 日本語、スライドは英語

講演要旨: 詳細を見る


日時: 2017年10月18日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演者:佐野 健太郎 チームリーダー(プロセッサ研究チーム)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る


日時: 2017年9月13日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演者:樫村 博基(神戸大学 惑星科学研究センター(CPS))

講演要旨: 詳細を見る


日時: 2017年9月6日(水)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂


講演要旨: 詳細を見る


日時: 2017年8月2日(水)、14:00 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

Keita Teranishi(米国カリフォルニア サンディア国立研究所)
Balazs Gerofi(システムソフトウェア開発チーム)
辻 美和子(プログラミング環境研究チーム)

講演プログラム: 詳細を見る

【14:00-15:00】Keita Teranishi(米国カリフォルニア サンディア国立研究所)
講演題目: Toward Resilient Asynchronous Many Task Programming
講演要旨: As semiconductor technology reaches its physical limit, the performance improvement of high performance computing systems no longer follows the predictions by Moore’s law. One of the viable approaches to address this stagnation is to relax the reliability of computing systems, and leave the application users to manage it. To enable this idea, it is essential for programming model to embrace a resilience capability. Today, the major resilience framework is coordinated checkpoint and restart (C/R), which involves global coordination of processes and threads for accommodating consistent global application state. However, this global recovery model entails inherent scalability issues and disproportionate use of resources to respond to local failures. These issues are better handled through asynchronous many task (AMT) programming model that is intended for deriving good scalability from unprecedented parallelism and complexity of node architecture of future HPC systems. A runtime system with AMT enables abstractions for encapsulating streams of program execution (tasks) and organizing the application data as objects rather than a sequence of data mapped to the system address space. In the AMT model, resilience is achieved through task re-execution and replication facilitated with versioning and replication of data objects. However, extensive research on task-based resilience is still required to determine the roadmap of resilience in the context of the programming environment. We will discuss our ongoing activities on the resilience of high performance AMT programming model and the challenges for scalable HPC application resilience.


【15:30-16:00】辻 美和子(プログラミング環境研究チーム)
講演題目: Fault tolerance features in an XMP-YML scientific workflow programming model
講演要旨: Supercomputers in the exa-scale era would consist of a huge number of nodes arranged in a multi-level hierarchy. There are many important challenges to exploit such systems such as scalability, programmability, reliability etc... In this talk, we focus on the scalability, programmability and fault tolerance features of a multi SPMD programming model. We have developed a development and execution environment based on workflow and PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) . We have extended the environment by incorporating fault resilience scheduling policy into the workflow scheduler.

【16:00-16:30】Balazs Gerofi(システムソフトウェア開発チーム)
講演題目: IHK/McKernel: A Lightweight Multi-kernel based Operating System for Extreme Scale Supercomputing
講演要旨: RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computation Science leads the development of Japan's next generation flagship supercomputer, the successor of the K Computer. Part of this effort is to design and develop a system software stack that suits the needs of future extreme scale computing. In this talk, we focus on operating system research and discuss IHK/McKernel, our multi-kernel based operating system framework. IHK/McKernel runs Linux with a light-weight kernel side-by-side on compute nodes with the primary motivation of providing scalable, consistent performance for large scale HPC simulations, but at the same time to retain a fully Linux compatible execution environment. We present an overview of the system architecture, provide preliminary results on up to two thousand Intel Xeon Phi nodes and outline future research directions.

日時: 2017年7月28日(金)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂

・講演題目:How low can you go? Reducing the precision of data assimilation to improve weather forecast skill
・講演者:Mr. Samuel Hatfield (オックスフォード大学、データ同化研究チーム 実習生)

講演要旨: 詳細を見る

Data assimilation, the process by which atmospheric data is combined with atmospheric models, is essential for skillful weather forecasts. Inserting data into models allows us to characterize more accurately the weather state at the start of the forecast, thereby extending the time in which the forecast is useful. However, data assimilation is a very computationally expensive process, and often costs as much as the actual weather forecasts. One way to reduce the cost is to lower the precision of the data assimilation computations. Lower precision computations use fewer bits to produce the answer to a calculation, and are therefore computationally cheaper. Lowering precision also introduces errors, but these errors may be acceptable, given that our models and observations are imperfect.
I will present some results from my PhD research on the subject of precision in data assimilation. I will show how lowering the precision of the data assimilation algorithm affects the quality of the output. I will demonstrate that the lowest precision that you can use is related to the overall quality of the model and the observations – the better the model, the more important precision becomes. Additionally, I will show that, by reusing the computational resources that we save when lowering precision, we can actually improve the data assimilation product and – ultimately – the skill of weather forecasts.